You can teach your dog to lay down on command by following a few simple instructions. “Down” is one of the basic commands that every dog must be trained to follow.
It will help keep your dog calm and prevent unwanted behavior. This command can also protect your dog from harm. Dogs can get easily excited when they encounter new places or people, and they might dash off to explore them. Putting your dog in a down position will help him calm down and relax.
Teaching the “Down” command not only gives you better control over your dog’s impulsive behavior but also sets up the groundwork for teaching advanced tricks like “roll over” and “play dead.”
Trick Difficulty: Easy
Training Requirements: Clicker, a bag of your dog’s favorite treats, a training room with no distractions
How To Teach Your Dog To Lay Down on Command
Your dog should already be trained to sit on command before you can train him to lay down.
Here are the exact steps for teaching your dog to lie down on cue.
Steps To Train Your Dog To Lie Down On Cue

- Kneel in front of your dog and command him to sit down.
- Once he is in a sitting position, hold a treat in front of his nose and slowly lower it towards the floor.
- Your dog’s nose should follow the treat, and his head should bend towards the floor. He will end up with his nose between his paws. As this is an awkward position, your dog should naturally lie down.
- If your dog doesn’t lie down, then slide the treat between his paws along the floor towards him. This will put him in an even more awkward position, and your dog will eventually lie down.
- The moment your dog lies down, click the clicker, release the treat, say “down,” and pat him affectionately.
- Give a release command like “up” or “release,” and take a step backward to make your dog stand back up and reset his position.
- After he stands up, repeat the above steps again about 10 to 15 times. Limit each training session to about 10 minutes.
- Practice every day until your dog starts lying down correctly on command without you having to move the treat. Praise and pat him each time he lies down properly.
- Now you can start delaying the release of the treat and gradually phase it out completely. Don’t show the treat to your dog. Just give the down command and wait for him to lie down. If your dog hesitates without the treat, then use your empty hand to point to the floor along with the “down” command.
- After your dog lays down, wait a few seconds, and then give him the treat. Slowly increase the wait time and eventually stop giving the treat. Just give him lots of praise and pat him each time he lies down correctly.
- Eventually, phase out the pointing with your hand so that your dog will lie down just on the verbal command.
- Once your dog has learned to correctly lay down on your command, it is time to move the training to an environment with more distractions. Train outdoors or in a noisy room with other people.
- Keep practicing the command until your dog ignores other distractions and lays down consistently on command.
- Practice the command when you are standing in different positions. Practice with you standing in front of the dog, besides your dog, and behind your dog.
- Your dog should quickly learn to execute the down command irrespective of your standing position.
Capturing Your Dog’s Lying Down Behavior

If your dog refuses to follow any treat and be lured down into a sitting down position, then you can use the Capture method instead.
- Pay attention to your dog and when he lies down on his own without any help from you, then “capture” this behavior with a click from your clicker.
- After you click, reward him by placing a treat between his paws and pat him lovingly.
- Then toss a treat a small distance away from your dog. This will prompt your dog to get up and reset his position.
- Now, wait for your dog to lie down again and repeat the earlier steps.
- Eventually, your dog will make the connection and willingly start sitting down for you and wait for you to click and treat him. Now you can add the verbal command “down,” then click, and then offer the treat.
- Gradually you can wean your dog off the treats by delaying the time between when he sits down and when you offer the treat. Make sure to say the “down” command, click and pat him affectionately each time he lies down.
Lie Down Puppy Training Tips, Problems, and Solutions

Check that the ground is comfortable enough for your dog to lie down on. If the floor is too hard, hot, or cold, then your dog may not lie down on it. It is recommended to practice on a soft surface like a carpet or a towel.
Dog breeds that are large, sedentary or herding breeds will learn to lie down much faster compared to thin, muscular, and high-energy dog breeds. This trick can be taught to a puppy of any age.
Don’t mix the “off” command with the “down” command. If your dog gets up on furniture and you want him to get down, then use the “off” command. Using the “down” command on such occasions will only confuse your dog and hamper his learning.
If your dog gets up immediately after lying down or just gets back up from the sitting position without lying down, then don’t give him the treat. Repeat the practice and lure him into the lying down position with the treat.
If your dog isn’t interested in following the treat, then try with a higher value treat like a piece of meat or cheese.
Practice lying down before various daily activities. Ask your dog to lie down before going for a walk or before you give him a toy, or before you take off his leash and let him play.
Make your dog lie down before any kind of fun activity starts. This will help him associate lying down with fun, and he will be eager to lie down any time you ask.