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What Makes Dogs Our Best Friends?

On a cold and damp day, about 26,000 years ago, a 10-year-old boy walked into the Chauvet Cave in the south of France. What made this day so special was that the boy was not alone. Walking beside him was a giant ancestor of today’s dogs.
Both the boy and his large canine buddy left their footprints on the cave floor. In 1994, scientists found these prehistoric paw prints besides the boy’s footprints. They learned that the human-dog relationship was much older than they had initially concluded.
Most scientists now believe that dogs and wolves evolved from a now extinct wolf-like ancestor, around 40,000 years ago.
Across the millennia, dogs and humans have evolved an extraordinary bond. They have hunted with us, they have served as our guardians, they have served as our companions, and every once in awhile, they have even saved our lives.
Every dog owner will agree that their dog is not just a pet. Their pooch is their friend, their child, an adorable mischief-maker, and much, much more.
Let us take a look at how dogs help the humans that choose them as their companion.
Dogs Make Your Heart Healthier And Bones Stronger

Dog owners frequently take their furry friend for walks or play with them in parks. This gives them a fun way to exercise, and also deepens the bond with their pooch.
A dog makes a wonderful exercise buddy. Even if you mostly stay at home, just running around and playing with your dog at home can add to your fitness.
Playing a game of fetch with your dog in the backyard or taking your dog out for a 15-minute walk every day can lower your cholesterol and decrease your chance of developing any type of heart disease. It also strengthens your bones and reduces the chance of accidental fractures.
Going out increases your exposure to sunlight, which promotes the production of vitamin D in your body. This further supports improved skeletal health.
Dogs Heal Depression And Improve Your Mood

Several studies have shown that petting a dog for just a few minutes can lower the level of stress hormone cortisol and increase the production of the feel-good compound serotonin.
Dogs make wonderful companions who never judge you and stay by you through thick and thin. Your dog loves you, unconditionally. Every time you return home, he will wag his tail and jump all over you to show his affection. This will definitely improve your mood and make you feel happier. You will feel loved.
You will never feel lonely with a dog around. Taking care of your dog will give you a greater sense of meaning and help you have a positive outlook towards life.
Studies have shown that dog owners tend to be happier and less depressed compared to people without pets. They also have fewer doctor visits during a year.
Dogs Improve Your Blood Pressure, Lower Stress and Heal Anxiety

Many medical studies have shown that dog owners tend to have lower heart rates and blood pressure than those who don’t have a pet. This can be partly because of the increased exercise that dog parents get from hanging out and playing with their dogs.
It is also because of the pet effect. Pet effect is the unofficial name scientists have given to the phenomenon that happens when a human strokes a dog. Stroking a dog for a few minutes every day can boost the production of a hormone known as oxytocin.
When this hormone is released in the brain, it creates a deep sense of bonding that eliminates feelings of anxiety. So, having a dog companion around can significantly ease your tension and mental stress.
Dog’s always live in the moment. They don’t care about what might happen tomorrow or what happened yesterday. They can fully experience the joy in the present moment. Being around a dog can help you fully appreciate this moment with any hangups about the past or future.
Managing a dog requires having a consistent daily schedule. Feeding, pooping, and exercising your dog every day can create a predictable routine that will make you feel more in control. This is especially beneficial for people who tend to become anxious or get panic attacks easily.
Dogs Help you Make New Friends

People are more likely to stop and talk with a stranger when they are with a dog than if they are alone. A dog is a great conversation starter. Dog owners are usually very interested in other dog owners.
Going out to a park with your dog can be a great way to socialize and meet with people who will eventually become friends. This is especially helpful if you are generally a shy person who has difficulty starting conversations with strangers. Dogs are very effective friend magnets!
Dogs Boost Your Immune System

Researchers have noticed that children who grow up in a home with a dog are less like to have allergies and asthma. They also fall sick less frequently and have stronger immune systems as they grow up.
This is because dogs carry more than 50 different species of bacteria with them. When a person is exposed to these diverse groups of microbes during childhood, their body naturally develops immunity to a wide range of diseases.
Dogs Make Life Easier For The Elderly and Disabled

Service dogs have been making life easier for the elderly and disabled for a long time. Specially trained hearing dogs listen and alert their owner about smoke alarms, oven timers, doorbells, etc.
Seeing-eye dogs help people steer around obstacles and give their owners the confidence to do their daily activities smoothly.
Dogs trained for physical tasks help people pick up fallen items or open and close doors. They assist people who have difficulty walking and stabilize them if they start losing their balance.
Medical response dogs are trained to notice symptoms like seizures, and diabetes-related falls in blood sugar levels. These dogs can fetch the owner’s medication or even get them a telephone to call for help.
Dogs are also specially trained to assist people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. In such cases, the dog can help these patients better deal with stress and add playfulness to their lives.
Dogs Help Children With Learning Disabilites

Children with learning disabilities like ADHD, autism, and other challenges can significantly benefit from a dog’s presence.
Autistic children communicate better using non-verbal cues, just like a dog does. Hence, learning to connect with a dog can make it easier for the child to communicate with adults.
Dogs also help children with learning disorders remain calm and alert. Such children can get stressed quickly, and their attention may wander often. Dogs can help them stay attentive and focused on the present movement and reduce the frustration caused by their learning disorder.