Every dog can be trained to obey basic commands. Some dogs have a higher intelligence level and can be trained to perform advanced tasks. The most trainable and obedient dog breeds are easy to teach and can pick up new skills with very few repetitions.
Some dogs have a strong memory, while others are smart socially. Different breeds have varied specialized talents and need to be trained accordingly.
An easily trainable dog breed usually shows the following characteristics.
Easy Communication
A smart dog can quickly pick up on your moods and react accordingly. They have high emotional intelligence. They can communicate their feelings with you and understand your intentions rapidly.
Learns Quickly
The dogs which are easiest to train can pick up new commands with few repetitions when taught appropriately.
Solves Puzzle-Toys Quickly
Highly intelligent dogs usually solve treat-dispensing toy puzzles very quickly. They will track down treats hidden around the house at record speeds.
Having a highly trainable dog is not always recommended for a first-time dog owner. Some dogs work best when there is an expert trainer available to fully harness their potential.
The most important difference between a dog that is just intelligent and highly trainable is that a trainable dog is eager to please its owner. A dog that is just smart may not care much about what the trainer expects from it.
Here are the most obedient dog breeds that are well-behaved and can be easily trained.
Most Trainable Dog Breeds That Learn Quickly

Easy To Train Obedient Dog Breeds

Easiest Small Dogs To Train For First-Time Dog Parents